The local Dementia hub in Urmston is provided through the AGE UK Charity headed by Ann Marie Jones, Chief Executive, with over 90 volunteers and 26 employees. Their work is essentially summed up in the attached leaflet and day care support is provided for people with moderate to severe dementia 5 days a week in the form of 133 places including a two course hot meal.
It was clear that people who attend this hub have significant needs requiring one-to-one support and after discussion with the Chief Executive, Anne Marie, and Mike Tonge (Deputy Leader-Composte Group) a submission was made to the Trustees of the West Lancashire Mark Charity Fund for support with the purchase of numerous items at a cost of £940.
These included ‘robot cats’ (see picture above) which are specifically for dementia sufferers and are very lifelike when stroked. Anne Marie advised that some of the service users can get very agitated and sometimes even aggressive with others and yet having a cat to pet reduces the anxiety almost immediately.
Just some of the other items are also shown
The work of this Dementia Hub is vital for the Urmston community and the support of the Trustees in approving the grant very much appreciated.
You can download the leaflet here PDF
Words and pictures by Cliff Hughes, Chorlton Mark 394 & Chorlton RAM 394